User management

The user management part of the system management is available via the users dialog of the teams. This dialog has a button User Management with a drop-down menu to make the individual system management functions available.

Synchronization with a directory service

In an on premise installation of IYOPRO a synchronization with the existing directory service (usually Active Directory) with IYOPRO can be activated. This synchronization operates on 3 different levels:

  1. Users

  2. Team membership

  3. User group membership

User synchronization

With the user synchronization it is possible to maintain the users that should be able to work with IYOPRO as a user group within the directory. This user group can have nested groups which will be evaluated as well. As a result, users in the defined group are added as IYOPRO users, if they are not already present. On the other hand, IYOPRO user that are not members of the group are disabled. In addition properties of the user in the directory are updated in IYOPRO to e.g. reflect changes of the name or the like. Users who are part of the group, but are disabled in the directory, will be also disabled in IYOPRO.

Team member synchronization

Specific teams in IYOPRO can be set up to have the users from the user synchronization added / removed automatically. This is helpful if one maintains one or more teams that should be accessible to all IYOPRO users.

User group membership synchronization

The user groups in IYOPRO can be set up to be synchronized with the directory service as well. Based on a customized parent entry, all user groups in this directory entry are available for the synchronization.

If one of the available user groups is selected to be the source of the group members in IYOPRO, the group members from the directory service are used in IYOPRO.

Trigger synchronization

Click on Trigger User Synchronization in the user management drop down menu to request a run of the synchronization. Please note that this entry is only available if the system is configured to synchronize information with the directory service.

Reset a users security id

IYOPRO stores the security ID of a user synchronized with the directory service internally. Should the users security ID in the directory service change, IYOPRO can not match the user in the directory service with the IYOPRO user anymore. To overcome this situation the security ID of an user can be cleared. The next synchronization with the directory service will match the user based on the account and not the ID. If a match is found the ID will be updated in IYOPRO.

Reset users security id

Click on Reset selected users security id in the user management drop down menu to reset the security id of the selected users.

Delete user

As part of the system management users in an on premise installation of IYOPRO can be delete. This will also delete the personal data of the users and can not be undone.

Click on Delete selected users and their personal data from IYOPRO in the user management drop down menu to delete the selected users from IYOPRO.