Multi Language Diagrams
The international harmonization of business processes in companies is one of the main applications of business process management. Therefore, it’s absolutely necessary to be able to provide all results of BPM in multiple foreign languages.
IYOPRO provides an easy to use mechanism to achieve this requirement.
Conceptual Overview
The number and type of languages used in a diagram depend on various conditions which are often up to the organization behind. Therefore, it’s necessary to be able to define the required languages on document basis. This ensures, that you may share and exchange documents with other organizations without the need to do local customization. This results in the following definition:
- All Languages
With "All Languages" we name the collection of all predefined languages in IYOPRO.
- Document Languages
"Document Languages" is the set of languages out of "All Languages", which have been assigned to a Document (i.e. a Diagram). This set may be changed at any time.
- Current Language
The Current Language is the currently active language within a document. Each document has it’s own Current Language. All changes to language dependent Attributes are done within the context of the Current Language.
- Default Language
The Default Language is normally the initial language of the diagram. If you change the Current Language it might happen that several language dependent Attributes have not been translated yet. IYOPRO will then show the content of the Default Language, enclosed by ">>" resp. "<<". The Default Language may be set when editing document languages.
There are several reasons to NOT show flags as a representation of a language because flags represent countries. However, most people love flags as a representation and many of you asked us to implement them. So it may happen, that you will not find your expected flag beside the language of your choice. |
Edit Multilanguage Term
Multilanguage Inline Edit
Most shapes have a name property that show a language flag left to the editable text. If the flag is selected, a pop up appears which allows to inline edit the term in all defined document languages.
A language can also be selected from the pop up which changes the current document language.
Translate in diagram
When the current language is changed all untranslated terms will be shown enclosed in red greater/smaller signs.
The Find-Function may be used to search for ">>" and find untranslated terms in large diagrams. |
Change Current Language
To change the current language of the active document, choose Change Current Language from the language Settings button in the modeling ribbon tab.
The current language will be highlighted. To change it, select another language from the list of document languages and press OK.
Edit Document Languages
To edit the assigned language list of the active document, choose Edit Document Languages from the language Settings button in the modeling ribbon tab.
The Edit Diagram Language Dialog provides the following options:
Add languages
Remove languages
Make Default
Add languages
To add languages, hit the Add button. Then select one or more languages from the list of available languages and click OK.
Remove languages
To remove languages, select one or more languages from the list and hit the Remove Button. There must be at least one language remaining to be able to confirm the setting with OK.
Make Default
The Default Language is the language, from which the visualization is taken if a shape is not translated in the Current Language.
In this example, English is the Default Language. Spanish is the Current Language. Because the term has not been translated into Spanish, the English one is shown, but enclosed in ">>" resp. "<<".
Change Document Language
With this operation, its possible to change the language of associated terms from one to another language. To change a language of the active document choose Change Document Language from the language Settings button in the modeling ribbon tab.
In the upcoming dialog, choose which diagram language should be changed to which new language. Hit OK to proceed.