
An on premises installation allows you to customize e-mails that are not defined in a process model. The following chapters describe which e-mails you can customize and how you can customize them.


When you delegate a task, the recipient of the task receives an e-mail. If no adjustments have been made, the default text will be sent.

You can either customize the default text or create a template.

Standard Mail

You can customize the standard subject and body of the e-mail in the Backend.Config.xml of IYOPRO.

To achieve this, simply exchange the values of the keys DELEGATE_MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX and DELEGATE_MAIL_BODY_ADDITION with the texts you require.

You may use the following tags within your text:



The tag {USERNAME} is replaced with the original user’s name.

The tag {COMMENT} is replaced with the comment provided by the person who delegated the task.

Use \n as new line indicator.

Template Mail

With the template you are able to not only customize the text of your e-mail but also design your e-mail.

Create the template for the mail body

For IYOPRO to use the template, there has to be a file named DelegationInfo at the following location:

  • ServerBackend\BackendStorage\Templates\System\EMail\Delegation

The file can be either a .html or a .txt file.

In case of a delegation the template will be processed and sent with the following tags:

  • USERNAME = Original User Name

  • SUBJECT = Org. Mail Subject

  • MSGBODY = Org. Mail Body

  • Context TaskUrl = Reference to Tasks

  • COMMENT = Delegation comment

Except for Context TaskUrl, use $ characters instead of braces around the tags: $USERNAME$

This example shows a possible design of the e-mail body in html.
<table style="font-family:Tahoma, 'Times New Roman', serif;" width="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left:10px;"><b>Task was delegated by:</b></td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">Task:</td>
<td><a href="{Context TaskUrl}" target="_blank">{Binding Token.Control.Name}</a></td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">Process:</td>
<td>{Binding ProcessInstance.Name} [{Binding ProcessInstance.Id}]</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">Details:</td>
<td>{Binding ProcessInstance.Details}<td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">Comment: </td>
<br />

Create the template for the mail subject

To use a custom mail subject, there has to be a .txt file named DelegationInfo-Title at the same location as the template for the mail body.

You may use the following tags:




Use $ characters instead of braces around the tags.


EN = IYOPRO task $SUBJECT$ was delegated by $USERNAME$


If you defined substitutes in IYOPRO, you can specify whether substitutes should receive an e-mail when a task has been forwarded to them.

To do this, set the value of SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_SEND to either True or False. You can find it in the Backend.Config.xml of IYOPRO.

If an e-mail is to be sent, the substitute receives the default text if no adjustments have been made.

You can either customize the default text or create a template.

Standard Mail

You can customize the standard subject and body of the e-mail in the Backend.Config.xml of IYOPRO.

To do this, simply exchange the values of the keys SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX and SUBSTITUTE_MAIL_BODY_ADDITION with the texts you require.

You may use the following tags within your text:


The tag {USERNAME} is replaced with the original user’s name.

Use \n as new line indicator.

Template Mail

With the template you are able to not only customize the text of your e-mail but also design your e-mail.

Create the template for the mail body

For IYOPRO to use the template, there has to be a file named SubstitutionInfo at the following location:

  • ServerBackend\BackendStorage\Templates\System\EMail\Substitution

The file can be either a .html or a .txt file.

In case of a substitution the template will be processed and sent with the following tags:

  • USERNAME = Original User Name

  • SUBJECT = Org. Mail Subject

  • MSGBODY = Org. Mail Body

  • Context TaskUrl = Reference to Tasks

Except for Context TaskUrl, use $ characters instead of braces around the tags: \(USERNAME\)

This example shows a possible design of the e-mail body in html.
<table style="font-family:Tahoma, 'Times New Roman', serif;" width="100%">
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left:10px;"><b>Task in substitution of:</b></td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left:10px;">Task:</td>
<td><a href="{Context TaskUrl}" target="_blank">{Binding Token.Control.Name}</a></td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">Process:</td>
<td>{Binding ProcessInstance.Name} [{Binding ProcessInstance.Id}]</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffc000">
<td style="padding-left: 10px;">Details:</td>
<td>{Binding ProcessInstance.Details}</td>
<br />

Create the template for the mail subject

To use a custom mail subject, there has to be a .txt file named SubstitutionInfo-Title at the same location as the template for the mail body.

You may use the following tags:



Use $ characters instead of braces around the tags.


EN = Substitution for IYOPRO task $SUBJECT$