Model 9 - Activity Sub-Processes
Goals of this lesson
Usage of subprocess activities
Considering the differences between configuring models and subprocess models for simulation purposes
Model 9 mainly consists of two activities, of which the first one is a Subprocess Activity. Subprocess activities are special because they contain another simple BPMN model, which will be executed in the activity’s life-cycle.
Click the first activity (which should be a subprocess activity)
If the activity is not a subprocess activity, then select Subprocess from the Element Type drop-down-box under the General Properties
Now click the Set button next to the Subprocess property under Subprocess Properties
Note: This option is only available in the Modeling Property Set
IYOPRO’s File Browser shows up and you can select the model, which functions as the subprocess
There is still one thing to understand
Subprocess activities do not contain any duration properties
You have to make sure that your Subprocess model is simulation-ready configured
Important: The start events of Subprocess models must not have an inter-arrival time assigned
But all the other (allowed) elements like gateways and activities still need to be configured
You may also use variables, which are known to the subprocess activity in which the model is being executed
e. g. for decision making at gateways
See below for the run configuration, which we set up to receive the report statistics from below.
Please refer to the section Experiment Results for more information on the report specific data.
Run configuration
Stochastic Seed: 12345
Simulation start date: 1/1/2014 12:00:00 a.m.
Simulation stop time: 240
Simulation stop time unit: Hours
Report statistics
The report’s process cycle times (Figure 3) contain two processing times
The one for the main process
The one for the subprocess (which is being executed in the first task)
Note that the statistics from "Task 1" (Figure 4 - activity run-times) and those from the subprocess (lead time) are equal
Since the subprocess is executed within the activity, this must be the case