Gateway Details

The figure below depicts the statistics on the chosen paths at gateways.

In this case we have got only one gateway: our (splitting) inclusive gateway. In the first table of Figure 1 we discover that:

  • the gateway has fired 13 times

  • the edge "No task available" has been executed least

  • the edge "Task for Programmer available" has been executed most

The second table shows a detailed breakdown of the chosen paths. We note that:

  • "Task for Programmer available" has been chosen six times which results to a 46% ratio of all choices

  • "No task available" has been chosen two times which results to a 15% ratio of all choices

  • "Task for Boss available" has been chosen five times which results to a 38% ratio of all choices

The fifth column represents the cumulated ratio.

Furthermore we added a pie chart to represent the values from the table graphically.

Report 2 Gateways Chosen Paths
Figure 1. The Report’s Gateway statistics