Workflows class

The Workflows object specifies a collection of loaded workflow objects. An instance of the Workflows collection is provided by the Session object.




IYOPRO.Api (in IYOPRO.Api.dll)


void Load(int wfid,object userdata = null)

Retrieves a Workflow definition.
Wfid specifies the id of the workflow.
Userdata will be provided in the WorkflowLoadedEventEventArgs

void Load(string tag, object userdata = null)

Retrieves a Workflow definition.
Userdata will be provided in the WorkflowsLoadedEventEventArgs

void LoadStartForm(int wfid, object userdata = null)

Retrieves a Workflow definition.
Wfid specifies the id of the workflow.
Userdata will be provided in the WorkflowFormLoadedEventEventArgs


WorkflowLoadedEvent WorkflowLoaded

The WorkflowLoaded event is triggered if the Load method has finished

WorkflowsLoadedEvent WorkflowsLoaded

The WorkflowsLoaded event is triggered if the Load method has finished

WorkflowFormLoadedEvent WorkflowFormLoaded

The WorkflowFormLoaded event is triggered if the Load method has finished


// Load Workflow definition
Workflows wf = session.Workflows;
Workflows.WorkflowLoadedEvent handler = null;
handler = (s, args) =>
    wf.WorkflowLoaded -= handler;
    Workflow w = args.Workflow;
    if (w == null) return;
wf.WorkflowLoaded += handler;