HTML Control
An HTML Control allows you to write your own HTML source code or embed external content.
In order to add a HTML Control, drag the shape from the Form Toolbox onto the Form and drop it at the desired location.
In addition to the General Element Properties, this element utilizes the following properties:
Control Parameters
- HTML Source
Specify which source you want to use for the HTML Control
You may specify an HTML source code
The static URL, i.e.
- Script File
Enter the link to the script file, e.g. simply type the script name if the script file is on the same level as the form
- Configuration
Specify the key-value pairs which can then be read by the HTML Control
- Variable
You may specify a variable name. The HTML Control can then handle the variable value. If you choose the Dynamic URL as the source, the value will contain a dynamic URL.
- HeightMode
You may use the automatic mode, stretch mode or set a height in pixels. The stretch mode uses the rest of the available space
- Height
Height of the control in pixels
- Min Height
Specify the minimum height, that the HTML Control should have
- Stretch Proportion
Specify the size ratio of the control to other controls with stretch mode
- Action
You may specify an expression to be executed when the defined condition is met
- Required
Specify, if the input is required or not. A form may only be submitted if all required inputs have been made.
HTML Source
- Source Code
Design the HTML Control by defining your own HTML source code
- Static URL
Embed content via a static URL, e.g. widgets, images, tutorials
- Dynamic URL
You may specify a variable that allows you to dynamically set an URL to embed content, e.g. widgets, images, tutorials
- Script File
Design the HTML Control by defining your own HTML source code in a script. This way, you could also reference it in other forms.
You can use the following in your HTML source code to interact with the IYOPRO form. Call them with "IYOPROForm.".
You can specify key-value pairs which can then be read by the HTML Control.
Use the getConfigValue()
method to get the value of the specified key from the configuration properties.
Specifying configuration entries enables the reuse of HTML source code without having to make changes directly to the code. For this purpose, the HTML source code is in an external script and not directly in the expression of the form control.
By passing a variance into the script through this property of the control, you don’t have to make changes to the source code, for example, to use a different URL or variable. You could program an RSS reader and, depending on which form it is accessed from, it reads traffic news or the weather for tomorrow.
onValueChange(callback: (newValue?: any, oldValue?: any) ⇒ void)
This method registers the value changed callback of the control’s variable
getVariableName(): string
This method returns the variable name
executeAction(successCallback?: () ⇒ void, errorCallback?: (e: any) ⇒ void), alertError?: boolean): void
Executes the expression in the Action Property. You may specify what happens in case of a successful or failed execution and if there should be an error message
getFormValue(attribute: string): any
Retrieves the value of the given form variable
setFormValue(attribute: string, value: any): void
Stores a value in the given form variable
watchFormValue(attribute: string, callback: (newValue?: any, oldValue?: any) ⇒ void, deep?: boolean): void
This method registers the value changed callback of the given form variable
deep: use this only if you want to monitor complex data structures or small changesprocessing of the form may get slower when using the deep
flag. onVisibilityChanged(callback: (isVisible: boolean) ⇒ void): void
This method registers the visibility changed callback. The visibility change happens according to the conditions of the form property "Visibility"
onDisabledChanged(callback: (isDisabled: boolean) ⇒ void): void
This method registers the disabled changed callback. The deactivation change happens according to the conditions of the form property "Disabled"
onAllowSubmitChanged(callback: (allowSubmit: boolean) ⇒ void): void
This method registers changes to the condition of the control that prevents the submitting of the form. The property "Required" has to be checked
onDestroy(callback: () ⇒ void): void
Specify what is supposed to happen once the control no longer exists, for example closing connections to external systems
setRequiredCheck(allowSubmit: (value: any) ⇒ boolean): void
Specify the condition that has to be met in order to submit the form. The property "Required" has to be checked
setRequiredErrorMessage(message: string): void
Specify an error message for a required input. It will be displayed if the requirement is not met and the validation messages are visible
getConfigValue(key: string, defaultValue?: string): string
Retrieves the value of the given key from the configuration properties. You may specify a default value that will be returned if the given key doesn’t exist
loadRepositoryFile(id: number, successCallback?: (blob: Blob) ⇒ void, errorCallback?: (e: any) ⇒ void, alertError?: boolean): void
Load a file from the repository. The file is determined based on its ID. The data is returned as a Blob.
refresh(): void
Use this method when changes occur within an object and IYOPRO does not recognize the changes on its own.
This example sets the HTML Control variable via a time input control.
<!DOCTYPE html>
input {
width: 100%;
margin: 4px 0;
function update(element) {
IYOPROForm.value = element.value;
<input type="time" id="time" onchange="update(this)">
This example gives you an idea of how some of the methods can be used.
const TEXT_VARNAME = 'text';
const ADDON_VARNAME = 'addon';
var text = "";
var addOn = "";
function onLoad()
text = IYOPROForm.getFormValue(TEXT_VARNAME) || "";
addOn = IYOPROForm.getFormValue(ADDON_VARNAME) || "";
IYOPROForm.setFormValue(TEXT_VARNAME, text);
IYOPROForm.setFormValue(ADDON_VARNAME, addOn);
IYOPROForm.watchFormValue(TEXT_VARNAME, function (newVal) {
newVal = newVal || "";
if (newVal != text)
text = newVal;
}, true);
IYOPROForm.watchFormValue(ADDON_VARNAME, function (newVal) {
newVal = newVal || "";
if (newVal != addOn)
addOn = newVal;
}, true);
IYOPROForm.onDisabledChanged(function (isDisabled) {
var paragraph = document.getElementById('display');
if (isDisabled) = "line-through";
else = "none";
IYOPROForm.setRequiredCheck(function () {
if (text == "" || addOn == "")
return false;
return true;
IYOPROForm.setRequiredErrorMessage("Write something into both textboxes.");
function update()
IYOPROForm.value = text + " " + addOn;
var paragraph = document.getElementById('display');
paragraph.innerText = IYOPROForm.value; = "'Balthazar', serif";
<body onload="onLoad()">
<p id="display" style="margin-left:2em; margin-top:2em; color:blue; font-size:300%"> </p>
We would like to point out a specific behavior regarding the HTML Control. For technical reasons, the iFrame is
currently drawn over the actual content. This results in the HTML Control being displayed in front of a floating window:![]() |