Quick start guides

Launching IYOPRO

To launch IYOPRO type

into your Internet browser or choose the link above.

The Welcome to IYOPRO window will appear:


You may use the predefined demo account to play with IYOPRO in a public area or you may register and login with your credentials to work within a private/team environment.

Launching IYOPRO Portal

To launch IYOPRO and navigate immediately to the portal, type

into your Internet browser or choose the link above.

The Login window will appear:


Login with your credentials. At least a Portal license is required to access the portal.

Register a new account

First launch IYOPRO. On the welcome screen click on Not member? Register here.

Fill in the registration form:



You can choose any user name for your account. If the user name already exists, you will receive an error message.


Specify your e-mail address. You will receive a registration notification to remember your user name and password.


Your password must contain at least 6 characters.

Repeat Password

Repeat your password.

Remember me

Click to enable the auto login feature of IYOPRO.

Terms of use

Click to confirm that you have read the terms of use.

Privacy statement

Click to confirm that you have read the privacy statement.

Verification Code and Registration

Verify your registration, enter the verification code and click Register.

Verify email address

IYOPRO sends an email with an generated verification code to the specified email address in the registration form. Enter the code into the verification dialog of the registration form and click Confirm to finalize the registration.

Register and activate software keys

You have purchased one of the IYOPRO editions. Your order has been confirmed and you received an email, which includes your software key.

To register and activate your software, please follow the instruction below:

  1. Open the repository and navigate to the teams node

  2. Create a new Team or select an existing team out of the repository browser

  3. Register your Software Key

  4. Assign software keys to users

Create a new diagram

Click the New button to create a new diagram.


In the Toolbox Area the associated Toolbox will appear, which contains all stencils required to draw the diagram. You may now drag symbols from the toolbox onto the work area.

To learn more about the different diagram types refer to: [Diagram types

To learn more about the different options to create a new diagram, refer to: Single file diagramming