Activity’s Duration and Time-based Events

You need to enhance your models with information about the duration of activities or the effective dates of events. When you are going to assign an inter-arrival time (to an event) or a duration (to an activity), the Time Editor appears (see picture below).

Three Perspectives

The Time Editor offers three perspectives, which provide different approaches for assigning timing information:

  • The Time Span mode: This allows you to set up any distribution for an inter-arrival time or a duration

    • This mode allows further formalization of the time span of an activity (Scripted duration) by using the Python programming language.

  • The Time Instant mode: This allows you to pick the start date from a calendar and then assign a rate at which the event will be repeated

    • This mode allows further formalization of the time instants (Scripted Time Instants) by using the Python programming language.

    The Time Instant mode is not available for durations of activities
Assigning TimeSpan
Figure 1. The Time Editor (Stochastic Distribution view)