Process map
Process Maps visually describe the flow of activities and processes without the need of formal correctness. The only goal they archive is to give an overview over the process landscape and to provide a start point where to navigate from.
The diagram type "Process Map" is displayed together with the Process Map Toolbox.
Send element
The send element is used to visualize input information for other elements (i.e. activities / processes).
It acts as sender of information to other elements whereas pure senders do not receive information (or it is not wanted to show possible input information).
Senders utilize the general properties. In addition you may specify the senders element color.
Process element
The process element is used to visualize an activity which receives an input and generates an output.
It acts as receiver as well as sender of information.
Processes utilize the general properties. In addition you may specify the senders element color.
The following Properties may be edited:
- Element Type
You may change the element type.
- Id
Id number, which is allocated by the system.
- Name
The name of the element. This name is displayed as text underneath the element.
- Note
A short information about the element.
- Color
Specify the color of the process in the diagram.
- Expanded
Toggle this button to show an assigned subdiagram within the boundaries of the process element.
- Process
Use this to link another diagram to this process. You may then navigate through the toolbar of this element to this diagram.
Receive element
The receive element is used to visualize output information.
It acts as sink of information from other elements whereas pure receivers do not provide information (or it is not wanted to show possible output information).
Receivers utilize the general properties. In addition you may specify the receivers element color.