Condition Editor
Use the Condition Editor to specify a Condition within a Workflow.
As an example, you may define a Visibility Condition if you drag a Form Control onto a Form and select the Visibility
Conditions are rules, which may be nested. They always return either True or False.
Each row begins with a Selector with the following options:
- All of
This will create a sub rule. If all sub rules return True, the overall result will also be True, else False.
- Any of
This will create a sub rule. If any sub rule returns True, the overall result will also be True, else False.
- None of
This will create a sub rule. If any sub rule returns True, the overall result will be False, else True.
- Variable
This will add two operand fields divided by an operator selector. You may enter Workflow Variables into the operator fields as well as constants. If this row belongs to a sub rule, there are +/- buttons at the end of the row which let you remove the row or add another row.