Workflow data access

The process instance state pages and user tasks provide the user with information about a workflow (instance).

In principle, a user who is the administrator of a team or of a workflow can view and manage all the data of that team or workflow. But how much data of the process instance should a user have access to if he is not an administrator?

In the Backend.config.xml of your IYOPRO on premises installation, you may customize according to your decision. To achieve this, simply set the value of the key PI_ACCESS and the values of the key ADMIN_ONLY_PI_TABS.


The PI_ACCESS determines who is allowed to access workflow forms and process instance state pages.

You have the following options:

  • participants (default)

  • creatorandparticipants (includes process instance creator)

  • team

  • world


The ADMIN_ONLY_PI_TABS determines which tabs can only be accessed as an administrator.

You may choose the following:

  • tasks

  • roles

  • diagram

  • log

  • attributes

  • timeline

  • statistic

According to your selection, for example, only a workflow participant has access to his edited tasks as well as the process instance pages. However, the workflow participant won’t see the data of the selected tabs in the process instance state pages.