Resource Shift Plan
In reality you often face the "problem", that resources do not work 24 hours a day, especially humans are prone to this fact. Therefore you need a feature that allows you to model a resources working time. We offer you a shift editor, in which you can set every resource’s labor time for each day of the week.
Open an Organization Diagram (e. g. the one from Model 13)
Click on any resource
Make sure you have selected Simulation from IYOPRO’s property set
Now select the Simulation tab from IYOPRO’s top menu bar
You should see the Shift button as depicted in Figure 1
Click on it

The Shift Editor appears
Here you can set the labor time of each resource, that is contained in the organization diagram
You can the start and end time of the resources working time for each day of the week
In the drop-down-box below the string "Shifts for Dave" we offer you some preset shifts like
Full week: The resource works 24 h each day of the week (see Figure 2)
30 hour week with a lunch break: The resource works 30 hours a week and also has a lunch break of 1 hour included
You can interrupt a day’s working time for a break like depicted in Figure 3.
Or you can model night shifts, which start at 10 PM and stop at 6 AM next day.
Use the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons to achieve this