Stochastics Seeds
Stochastic seeds permit reproducing a set of random-numbers. For getting a new set of random-numbers you just have to change one value: the seed. If you reuse a seed, you’ll get the same random-numbers again.
The stochastic seed is a basic value for all stochastic distributed values in the simulation from where the random numbers are generated.
Running the same experiment twice without changing any parameters will result in two identical results.
By changing the stochastic seed between two simulation runs (and by keeping all other parameters unchanged), the results will be different.
You can set the Stochastic Seed as an integer in the Must-Have Properties of the General Simulation Properties.
You should just try running the same model with a different stochastic seed and then compare the reports.
It is indispensable to run multiple simulations on a model, each with different general seeds.
Local Stochastic Seed
You can also assign an individual stochastic seed for every stochastic distribution.
The individual seed is independent of the general seed.
For example, giving the distribution of any activity an individual seed will result in the same values taken from this exact distribution in every simulation
even though the general seed could have changed.