public class User
The User object provides general information about a registered IYOPRO User.
int Id
The unique Id of the user
string Name
The name of the user
string Email
The email address of the user
string Account
The account of the user
string Language
The language set when the user was created
string SecurityId
The directory services security id of an user, if the user is synchronized with the directory service. If not an empty string.
void SetAbsence(bool gone, object fromDate, object untilDate, string reason = "", object creator = null)
Specify if the given user is absent (gone = true) or present (gone = false). fromDate and untilDate can be either C# DateTime objects or Python datetime’s. However currently only the date part is used to define absence or presence of the user. The parameter creator is either another User object (e.g. user who started the process instance) or a string.