Event Details
This report topic deals with the event details.
Inter-arrival times
The table in Figure 1 shows the events' inter-arrival times. In this case we have got the inter-arrival times of the start and the end event from our simulation model.
The inter-arrival time between the start events was calculated 118 times, and it is constantly two hours.
Since we assigned a constant distribution with a value of two hours, this is not really a surprise.
The inter-arrival time between the end events has been calculated 106* times.
As you can see, this statistic is dependent on the activity "Prepare to go home", because it is the only stochastic influence in this model
* We have got 107 observations of the process lead times.
To calculate an inter-arrival time we need two finished end events, that is why we have got one instance less in the inter-arrival time statistic of the end event than in the process lead times.
Event counter
The table in Figure 2 depicts the statistics for the events' counters. A counter is a simple statistic data type which represents the number of executed events.
In this case the end event has been executed 107 times, which is exactly the number of finished process instances from the process details view.
Finally, Figure 3 shows the statistics for the events' distributions.
In our simulation model we have defined only one distribution at the start event, which has been a constant distribution (value = 2).