Result visualisation

The result may be visualized in the following manner:


The normal process flow animation uses the following colors:


The Element has not yet been involved in the animation flow


A token is currently owned by the control


A token was previously owned by the control.


A token is currently owned by the control. It cannot be processed because the control awaits more input

Red / Yellow striped

A token is currently owned by the control. The flow direction offers multiple possible outputs which must be choosen by the user.

Figure 1. Normal animation colors

Color by split / join elements

The Color by split / join elements method provides a way to visualize, if splitting and joining gateways match or not.

IYOPRO will change the color at each splitting gateway and revert it at the corresponding joining gateway.

Figure 2. Matching process definition
Figure 3. Not matching process definition

Path to the selected element

The Path to the selected element method provides a way to visualize, how the process flow was from the beginning until the selected element was reached.

IYOPRO will change the color for each visited element to red, all others to green.



The Timeline method provides a way to visualize, in which order the elements have been reached.
