Data Grid
A Data Grid is used to display tabled data in a form.
In order to add a Data Grid drag the shape from the Form Toolbox onto the Form and drop it at the desired location.
In addition to the General Element Properties, this element utilizes the following properties:
General Parameters
- Grid Height
Specify the height of the data grid. You may choose between
Stretch (uses the rest of the available space)
- Grid Height Factor
Enter the factor by which the data grid should be higher (E.g.: 2 = double)
- Min Height
Specify the minimum height, that the data grid should have
- Stretch Proportion
Specify the size ratio of the control to other controls with stretch mode
Data Grid Parameters
- Columns
Specify the Data Grid Columns with the Data Grid Column Editor
- Grid mode
Select the structure of the rows. You may choose between
- Tree variable
Choose a variable that identifies the child elements
- Row Disabled
You may disable specific rows
- Selection mode
Specify whether rows of the data grid can be selected
- Variable
The name of the variable, where the Data is taken from
Workflow Parameters
- Grid Action
You may specify an expression to be executed when an Action button is / Action buttons are pressed
- On Drop
You may specify an expression to be executed when you insert content per drag and drop
The Data Grid Column Editor
The Data Grid Column Editor is used, to specify the columns in the Data Grid.
Column Types
IYOPRO provides the following column types:
- Simple
A simple column simply shows a text value
- Url
An URL column shows a text value as hyper-link. The underlying hyper-link must be specified in the parameter.
Example:http://OpenEDM.local/OEWebService.asmx/OECallFunctionReturnTextFile?username=&password=&function=OBJ.ANYOBJ.WS.DOWNLOADLINKFILE&data={Binding OBJ_OBJID}
The binding specified in the url may reference another column of the bound data table of the grid. If
{Binding Form:Var_Name}
is used another form variable can be referenced. - Icon
An Icon column shows a text value as icon. The underlying hyper-link must be specified in the parameter.
Example:http://OpenEDM.local/OEWebService.asmx/OEGetIcon?iconname={Binding OBJ_ICON}
The binding specified in the url may reference another column of the bound data table of the grid. If
{Binding Form:Var_Name}
is used another form variable can be referenced. - CheckBox
A CheckBox column shows a bool value as checkbox.
The underlying value will be 1=Checked, 0=Unchecked - ComboBox
A ComboBox column allows the user to choose a value from a given list
- Function
A function shows a button with a predefined function. The function name must be specified in the parameter. The following functions are available:
- DeleteRow
This function deletes the row where the function has been executed
- Action
An Action shows a button which will execute a python script at the backend. This script is defined in Grid Action. The label of the button is the specified parameter or, if none is specified, the default "Action".
After pressing an action button, the dictionary of the line in which the button was pressed receives a new entry with "#ACTION" as key and the parameter as value. If no parameter was specified, the column name is set as value.
Get the row with "#ACTION" from a data grid with the variable "Data" and an Action button with the parameter "Details":selected = filter(lambda row: '#ACTION' in row and row['#ACTION'] == 'Details', Form['Data'])
Create new Column
To Create a Column press the Add Button. In the upcoming dialog specify:
- Header
The header of the column shown in the Datagrid
- Data Binding
The technical name of the column in the underlying value dictionary
Change Column Order
Select a column to move and press the Up / Down buttons to rearrange the columns
Change Column Header
To change the header of a column double-click into the Column Header cell of the column and edit the value
Change Column Type
To change the type of a column double-click into the Column Type cell of the column and choose the value
Change Column Access
To change the access mode of a column double-click into the Column Access cell of the column and choose the value
Change Column Data Binding
To change the Data Binding of a column double-click into the Data Binding cell of the column and edit the value
Change Column Parameter
To change the Parameter of a column click the Edit button of the column and enter the value
Change Column Width
To change the width of a column double-click into the Width cell of the column and edit the value
Use the tree mode - an example
This example, based on a family tree, shows how to display data as a child element in tree mode:
Tree variable = child
Without a child element:
form["grid"] = [{"Name": "Jack", "Date of birth":"16.07.1960"}, {"Name": "Paul", "Date of birth":"03.09.1963"}]
With a child element using the tree variable:
form["grid"] = [{"Name": "Jack", "Date of birth":"16.07.1960", "child":[{"Name": "Lily", "Date of
birth":"02.04.1992"}]},{"Name": "Paul", "Date of birth":"03.09.1963"}]
It would then look like this in the data grid: