public class Adapter : IDisposable
The Word adapter lets you modify the content of a Word document.
bool SetDocumentBytes(byte[] data)
Load document as binary data
MemoryStream GetDocumentStream()
Read document in binary data from memory
bool ReplaceBookmark(string bookmarkName, string bookmarkText)
Insert the specified text at the place of the given bookmark. (Replace placeholder text, if existing)
bool ReplaceBookmarkKeepFormat(string bookmarkName, string bookmarkText)
Insert the specified text at the place of the given bookmark while keeping the existing format
bool ReplaceBookmark2(string name, string text, string formats)
Insert the specified text at the place of the given bookmark. You may work with multiline text (e.g. the addressee)
bool ReplaceBookmarkAsHyperlink(string name, string text, string url)
Insert the specified text as a hyperlink at the place of the given bookmark
bool FillBookmarkTable(string name, DataRows datarows, bool keepfirstrow = true)
Insert the specified data table at the place of the given bookmark
void Dispose()
Releases the resources used
This example modifies the content of a Word document. The variable myfile points to a file which may either be uploaded from a web form or which could be retrieved out of a data store.
import clr
from IYOPRO.WORD import *
data = ProcessInstance.ReadFileBytes(myfile)
with Adapter() as word:
word.ReplaceBookmark('MyBookMark','Hello World')
stream = word.GetDocumentStream()