Team members (Users)
Add Users
IYOPRO offers three methods to add users to a team
- Create new users
This option is used to create new user accounts and attach them immediately to the team. Administrators typically use this method to precreate IYOPRO accounts for their users. Creating users this way enables administrators to edit user related information (e.g. password, name, and contact information).
- Invite existing users by email
This option will be used to invite any user to participate at the team. The targeted user will receive an email. The user may then log in or register and may then join the team.
- Create or modify a Team Access Code
With this method a time limited team access code (i.e. a special password) is generated. Every user, who receives the team access code may join the team. This option is the best to invite multiple people at once.
Create new users
Click the New User button and enter the user information:
In your user profile you can edit the following information:
Account information
- Account
You may choose any user name for the new users account. If the user name already exists, you will receive an error message.
- Displayed name
The name that is associated with the new users activities
- Description
The description is usually shown in selection lists.
- Password
Enter a password for the new user. The password must contain at least 6 characters.
- Retype Password
Repeat the password.
Personal Information
- First Name
Enter the first name of the new user
- Last Name
Enter the last name of the new user
Inviting existing users
If you wish for existing IYOPRO users to participate in your team, you may invite them.
Click the Invite button to display the invite user dialog. Enter the users email address and hit Invite to send the invitation notification to that user.
If the invited user does not have an IYOPRO account, the user may register and can then join the team by accepting the invitation.
Create or modify a Team Access Code
If you wish to invite multiple users to an IYOPRO team, create or modify a team access code.
Click the
button to display the TAC user dialog. To generate the code click on Generate. You may then copy the code to the clipboard and distribute it to the targeted users.You are requested to specify a "Valid until" date. The TAC will expire after that date.
Press the Save button to activate the key.
The targeted users may now join the team.