This adapter only enables the use of the two .NET libraries PDFSharp and Migradoc.
Further information on the libraries can be found here:
This example generates a PDF with a link as text and a few other properties
# Include wrappers for PDF libs and import namespaces
# -------------------------------------------------------------
import clr
from MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel import Document, TabAlignment, StyleNames, Orientation, HyperlinkType, TextFormat, Color, Shapes
from MigraDoc.Rendering import PdfDocumentRenderer
from PdfSharp.Pdf import PdfFontEmbedding
# To save / read the PDF in a stream
# -------------------------------------------------------------
import System
from System.IO import MemoryStream
# Define the file name for the generated PDF
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Create PDF document container and set properties
# -------------------------------------------------------------
pdf = Document()
pdf.Info.Title = "Dynamic PDF"
pdf.Info.Subject = "Example script for PDF creation"
pdf.Info.Author = "IYOPRO Support"
pdf.Info.Keywords = "IronPython, Migradoc, PDFSharp, PDF"
# Create text styles
# -------------------------------------------------------------
style = pdf.Styles["Normal"];
style.Font.Name = "Verdana";
# Set content including page layout
# -------------------------------------------------------------
section = pdf.AddSection()
pageSetup = pdf.DefaultPageSetup.Clone();
pageSetup.Orientation = Orientation.Landscape;
section.PageSetup = pageSetup
paragraph = section.AddParagraph()
paragraph.Format.Font.Color = Color.FromCmyk(66, 39, 0, 7);
paragraph = paragraph.AddHyperlink("",HyperlinkType.Web);[",HyperlinkType.Web);]
paragraph.AddFormattedText("More at"["], TextFormat.Underline);
# Render PDF and set other properties
# -------------------------------------------------------------
pdf.UseCmykColor = True;
pdfRenderer = PdfDocumentRenderer(True, PdfFontEmbedding.Always)
pdfRenderer.Document = pdf
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.Author = "Support"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.CreationDate = System.DateTime.Now
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.Creator = "Iron Python"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.Keywords = "Test, IYOPRO"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.ModificationDate = System.DateTime.Now
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.Subject = "An example"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Info.Title = "My generated PDF"
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.SecuritySettings.PermitAnnotations = False
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.SecuritySettings.PermitExtractContent = False
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.SecuritySettings.PermitFormsFill = False
pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.SecuritySettings.PermitModifyDocument = False
# Save PDF
# -------------------------------------------------------------
with MemoryStream() as mem:
# Make file name(s) available for attachments
attachments =[ PdfName ]
This example concatenates PDFs that were previously uploaded to a form
# Include wrappers for PDF libs and import namespaces
# -------------------------------------------------------------
import clr
from PdfSharp.Pdf import PdfDocument
from PdfSharp.Pdf.IO import PdfReader,PdfDocumentOpenMode
# For marking
from PdfSharp.Drawing import XFont, XFontStyle, XGraphics, XBrushes, XRect, XStringFormat
# To save / read the PDF in a stream
# -------------------------------------------------------------
from System.IO import MemoryStream
# Define the file name for the generated PDF
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Generate output PDF
# -------------------------------------------------------------
outputDocument = PdfDocument()
# For marking
font = XFont("Verdana", 10, XFontStyle.Bold)
# Process uploaded files
# -------------------------------------------------------------
files = Form["Uploads"]
numfiles = len(files)
for fidx, file in enumerate(files):
ProcessInstance.Info("Processing "+file)
# MemoryStream des Files erzeugen
with ProcessInstance.ReadFileToStream(file) as instream:
inputDocument = PdfReader.Open(instream, PdfDocumentOpenMode.Import)
numpages = inputDocument.Pages.Count
for pidx in xrange(numpages):
inpage = inputDocument.Pages\[pidx\]
outpage = outputDocument.AddPage(inpage)
# Markierung
gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(outpage)
info = "Seite "+unicode(pidx+1)+" / "+unicode(numpages)+" von Dokument "+unicode(fidx+1)+" / "+unicode(numfiles)
ProcessInstance.Info("Adding "+info)
gfx.DrawString(info, font, XBrushes.Black, XRect(0.0, outpage.Height.Value-30, outpage.Width.Value, outpage.Height.Value), XStringFormat.TopLeft)
# Save PDF
# -------------------------------------------------------------
with MemoryStream() as mem:
# Make file names available for attachments
# -------------------------------------------------------------
attachments =[ PdfName ]