
After running a simulation experiment, the report will be opened automatically. If you have declared cost centers, your report will contain a section called 'Costing Details'.

It will contain one process table per measurement unit. E.g. you can do a monetary costing calculation, the accounts will be held e.g. in Euro. Since you can freely set the measurement unit (e.g. to EURO, Dollars, CO2 or kWh) you also can use the calculation technique for ecological auditing like life cycle assessment.

If you have defined products, additionally, you will get one product table per measurement unit. When you click on a column header representing a product, a corresponding process table will be opened, which apportions the costs of the process instances used for that product.

  • The upper half of the table (up to the row 'Total deduced costs') represents variable, driver-dependen costs.

  • The following rows up to 'Total activity costs' represent fixed, driver-neutral costs, which are apportioned to the product-/process-columns by the activity-based technique.

  • The last lines up to but exclusive 'Total costs' represent driver-neutral costs, which are apportioned by a fix surcharge rate. This technique is chosen, if you didn’t allocate your neutral costs to activities at all.

  • The last line 'Total costs' is the sum of all costs for a process, a product or the combination of a process and a product.


Figure 1. Process Costs in Euro