Task Class
The Task object represents a workflow task which is triggered usually by a BPMN User Task Activity. Because it will be created by the workflow the task class does not have a public constructor. To access available tasks use the Tasks collection class.
Namespace: |
Assembly: |
IYOPRO.Api (in IYOPRO.Api.dll) |
ProcessInstanceFile AddFile(string name, string path)
Add a local file to the process instance of the task. Keep in mind that you should also assign the internal filename to a process instance variable to be able to access the file later
void RemoveFile(string internalname)
Removes a file from the process instance. Remember to remove the file also from the referencing process instance variable
APITaskPriority PriorityFromString(string priority)
Gets the priority number to the given priority string
void Run(bool finished, object userdata = null)
Continue the process instance. Finished specifies, if the task has been finished or not. Userdata will be provided in the resulting ProcessContinuedEventArgs
void Update(object userdata = null)
Updates the task. Userdata will be provided in the TaskUpdatedEventArgs
void LoadAttributes(List<string> attributes, object userdata = null)
Loads process instance attributes by their name and assigns them to the Attributes collection. Userdata will be provided in the LoadAttributesCompletedEventArgs
Guid GuId
Gets the unique identifier of the task
Guid PiGuId
Gets the unique identifier of the process instance
string PiName
Gets the name of the process instance
string PiDetails
Gets the details of the process instance
int WfId
Gets the Id of the describing Workflow
string Name
Gets the name of the task
DateTime CreatedAt
Gets the timestamp when the task has been created
DateTime PlannedAt
Gets the timestamp when the task is planned
DateTime FinishedAt
Gets the timestamp when the task is finished
string FinishedBy
Gets the name who finished the task
ProcessInstanceAttributes Attributes
Gets a collection of process instance attributes
APITaskPriority Priority
Gets the priority of the task
LoadAttributesCompletedEvent LoadAttributesCompleted
The LoadAttributesCompleted event is triggered if the LoadAttributes method has finished
ProcessContinuedEvent ProcessContinued
The ProcessContinued event is triggered if the Run method has finished
UpdatedEvent Updated
The LoginCompleted event is triggered if the Update method has finished
// Add the Pdf to our process instance
ProcessInstanceFile pif=Task.AddFile("My Documentation", "c:\\temp\\File.pdf");
// Add the Pdf to our process attribute, that contains the file list
List<object> files = Task.Attributes.Get("Files") as List<object>;
// Finish the task