Schema table

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A Schema Diagram consists out of one or more Schema Tables.

Create Schema Table

To create a Schema Table drag a Schema Table from the Schema Toolbox into the Work area.

Edit Schema Table Name

Edit the Table Name either in the Properties Area or double click the Heading of the Schema.

Add/Remove Columns

To add/remove columns move the mouse over a column of a selected schema table and click on the appearing +/- sign to add or remove a column.

Edit Column Properties

To Edit Column Properties select the requested Column. The Properties Area contains a section "Column Properties" where you may adjust your settings.

The following Settings are available


If "Data Type" is "String" this represents the size of the underlying database column. Zero (0) indicates a Huge Column size, that is limited by the Database specification only.

Data Type

The Possible Data Types are

Variant - unspecified

String - A character based column

Integer - may contain integer numbers

Float - may contain floating point numbers

DateTime - may contain dates

Currency - may contain currency values

Guid - may contain Globally Unique Identifiers

Object - may contain an Object (i.e. List, Dictionary...)

Important notice:

Because the Variant datatype is unspecified the data  MUST be in the format of a python string. That means, strings MUST be enclosed in quotation marks.


The name of the column


Only available if Data Type is Number or Guid - specifies that this column is an Identity column. Identity column values are automatically generated by the database.

Primary Key

Primary Key columns identify the database row unique. Each table requires at least one primary key column. This option is often used in conjunction with the Identity setting.