Excel / SpreadsheetLight

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The SpreadsheetLight adapter is a complete replacement for the Excel adapter and enables the use of SpreadsheetLight, an open source open XML spreadsheet library.

Further information on the library can be found on the SpreadsheetLight website.


This sample is the Python version of an example from the SpreadsheetLight website that saves an .xlsx file with different kinds of content

import clr




import System

from SpreadsheetLight import SLDocument, SLConvert

sl = SLDocument()

# set a boolean at "A1"

sl.SetCellValue("A1", True)

# set at row 2, columns 1 through 20, a value that's equal to the column index

for i in range(20):

  sl.SetCellValue(2, i, i)

# set the value of PI

sl.SetCellValue("B3", 3.14159)

''' set the value of PI at row 4, column 2 (or "B4") in string form.

   use this when you already have numeric data in string form and don't

   want to parse it to a double or float variable type

   and then set it as a value.

   Note that "3,14159" is invalid. Excel (or Open XML) stores numerals in

   invariant culture mode. Frankly, even "1,234,567.89" is invalid because

   of the comma. If you can assign it in code, then it's fine, like so:

   fTemp = 1234567.89'''

sl.SetCellValueNumeric(4, 2, "3.14159")

# normal string data

sl.SetCellValue("C6", "This is at C6!")

# typical XML-invalid characters are taken care of,

# in particular the & and < and >

sl.SetCellValue("I6", "Dinner & Dance costs < $10")

''' this sets a cell formula

   Note that if you want to set a string that starts with the equal sign,

   but is not a formula, prepend a single quote.

   For example, "'==" will display 2 equal signs'''

sl.SetCellValue(7, 3, "=SUM(A2:T2)")

# if you need cell references and cell ranges *really* badly, consider the SLConvert class.

sl.SetCellValue(SLConvert.ToCellReference(7, 4), "=SUM({0})".format(SLConvert.ToCellRange(2, 1, 2, 20)))

# dates need the format code to be displayed as the typical date.

# Otherwise it just looks like a floating point number.

sl.SetCellValue("C8", System.DateTime(3141, 5, 9))

style = sl.CreateStyle();

style.FormatCode = "d-mmm-yyyy"

sl.SetCellStyle("C8", style)

sl.SetCellValue(8, 6, "I predict this to be a significant date. Why, I do not know...")

sl.SetCellValue(9, 4, 456.123789)

# we don't have to create a new SLStyle because

# we only used the FormatCode property

style.FormatCode = "0.000%"

sl.SetCellStyle(9, 4, style)

sl.SetCellValue(9, 6, "Perhaps a phenomenal growth in something?")
