Model for Gateway and Resource details

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Figure 1: The example model

Figure 2: The Organization diagram

Process description:

Check the Model parametrization from below and then advance to the Gateway and Resource details. Since we have already covered the first three sections of the report in the topics before, we will neglect those now. Instead we only focus on the new sections.

BPMN Element

Simulation Properties

Start event

Scripted Delay: "Result=time.GotoHour(8);" (enter this Python-script without the "")

This scripted delay starts the process every day at 8 o'clock.

Activity "Check available workers"

Duration: Constant Distribution with value =  0.25

Stochastic Attribute:

  • progr = Discrete Uniform Distribution with the values for min = 0 and max =1
  • boss = Discrete Uniform Distribution with the values for min = 0 and max = 1

Activity "Programmer working"

Duration: Poisson Distribution with a mean value of 8

Participant: Programmer

Activity "Boss working"

Duration: Continuous Uniform Distribution with LowerBorder = 6 and UpperBorder = 8

Participant: Boss

Activity "Note that nobody is working"

Duration: Constant Distribution with value =  0.25

Edge "Task for Programmer available"

Expression: f(x)= taskProgr==1;

Edge "Task for Boss available"

Expression: f(x)= taskBoss==1;

Edge "No task available"

Just a default sequence flow.

General Simulation Properties

Stochastic Seed


Simulation stop time (hours)