Export IT System Diagram

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Assign IT-Systems

To assign IT-Systems to activities drag the IT-System shape from the Toolbox onto your diagram. The IT-System will automatically link to the nearest activity while dragging.

Create IT System Diagram

To generate an IT-System diagram use

Application Menu -> Export -> IT System Diagram. In the upcoming Dialog you may specify the following export options:

IT-System to Diagram Activity

This will create a table where the diagrams and activities describe the rows and the IT-Systems describe the columns.

IT-System to Role

This will create a table where the Roles describe the rows and the IT-Systems describe the columns.

Solve Roles by Organization Diagram

This will solve the roles and map them to real users / groups. There must be an organization diagram linked to the project.

Include Datastores

IT-Systems and Datastores will be considered in the table.

Click OK to create a preview of the table. To Export the table to Excel click on the Export button in the ribbon.